Crises and opportunity: A holistic approach to supporting and empowering youth

In light of the pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted BIPOC, and BLM uprisings, we’re revisiting Jon’s interview with Jason Warwin of The Brotherhood/Sister Sol. COVID-19 has devastated Bro/Sis’s community of Black and Brown youth and their families. And despite the pandemic, Bro/Sis staff and members are joining protests to demand systemic change. We’ll check in with Jason and then listen to the interview from last June.


00:00-00:26 Intros

00:27-04:15 COVID-19 impact and response

04:16-06:39 #BLM demonstrations

06:40-07:47 Programming for the next few months

07:47-08:01 Transition to reposted interview

08:02-08:45 Intros

08:46-10:32 Ethics as a core comment of Bro/Sis’s work

10:33-11:12 How young people come in contact with BroSis

11:13-15:46 Rites of Passage program

15:47-18:17 Bro/Sis as a transformative experience

18:18-21:03 Staff selection

21:04-24:01 International Study Program

24:02-26:28 International work—Bermuda and Brazil

26:29-34:03 Core elements for replication

34:04-38:37 Understanding dynamics of oppression and its effects

38:38-41:02 Helping young people develop an ethical    compass

41:03-43:08 Young people’s reactions to Trump

43:08-45:37 Relationships with parents/families

45:37-46:50 Outro


Click here to see the full transcription of the episode.