
Rebuilding the Black teacher pipeline: Advancing justice and academic outcomes

Ansharaye Hines and Mimi McKee of the Center for Black Educator Development discuss how the presence of highly qualified Black teachers supports students' educational success. The Center advocates for...

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High stakes: Teaching to the tests in K-12

We continue our conversation with Harry Feder of FairTest. This time, we discuss high stakes tests in K-12 schools. Harry explains how tests and the prep for them came...

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SATs and the illusion of fairness

We speak with Harry Feder of FairTest, an organization that advocates for fair and open testing, about the reinstitution of standardized test requirements at some "Ivy Plus” colleges, and...

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Early intervention: Model assessment center reduces youth arrests

Steve Evangelista, longtime NYC educator, and Anthony Celestine, director of the Office of Juvenile Justice Services at Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, talk about  Calcasieu's Multi-Agency Resource Center. MARC, an assessment center...

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What Would YOU do? Walling Out or Welcoming In?

What boundaries should a school set on student speech, if any, in order to foster social-emotional learning, civil discourse, and friendship among students? How might they hold themselves and...

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Elevating undervalued professionals: Support for substitute teachers

We speak with Megan M. Conklin, who designs and implements professional development for substitutes in Washington state. Substitutes often don’t receive the support and compensation they deserve. Ms. Conklin's...

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Enriching student life: Art for all

We speak with Dr. Andrea Siegel and Michelle Vitale of Hudson County Community College about the ways they bring art into students’ everyday lives. They’ve assembled a multi-ethnic...

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Solving teacher shortages: It’s not just pay (Encore)

Drs. Katherine Norris and  Kathryn Wiley, colleagues at Howard University’s School of Education, speak about obstacles to recruiting and retaining teachers and increasing diversity. Money matters, but even more,...

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What’s real and who/what matters: Sentientism in schools

We speak with Jamie Woodhouse, UK educator and thought leader on sentientism. An ethical worldview informed by evidence, reason, and compassion, sentientism prioritizes the well-being of humans and...

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Climate change education: Meeting NJ’s mandate hands-on

We speak with the New Jersey School of Conservation’s Kerry Kirk Pflugh and Tanya Sulikowski, and Garwood, NJ middle school teacher, K.C. Bree about the SOC and about New...

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