Nia Morgan and Anahi Ortiz Fierros of Urban Youth Collaborative describe how police and metal detectors humiliate and traumatize students. The story of the “fork in the backpack” illustrates the system’s absurdity. And while NYC school arrests are down overall, Black and Latinx students are arrested at much higher rates than white students. NYS legislature considers Solutions Not Suspensions Act. Campaigns for police-free schools are taking place around the country.
00:00-01:02 Intros
01:02-01:29 The Urban Youth Collaborative
01:29-02:39 90% of school arrests, summons, juvenile reports are of Black and Latinx students
02:39-03:48 UYC’s shift from improved interactions to elimination of police from schools
03:48-06:14 Examples of student experiences with police
06:14-07:40 Differences in how police and school staff treat students
07:40-09:55 NYC’s new budget will not bring necessary change
09:55-13:01 Campaigns around the country for police-free schools; Salem OR school board member wears blackface throughout meeting on BLM
13:01-13:44 Toronto as a model
13:44-16:24 Solutions Not Suspension Act in NYS legislature; opposed by teachers union
16:24-20:05 What’s needed in school culture; staff professional development to create safe schools; NYC commitment to restorative practices expansion but now not in budget
20:05-23:31 Effects of metal detectors in schools; student stories of incidents including a fork in a backpack and art supplies in a bag
23:31-25:42 Traumatic effects of police in schools; policing just doesn’t work
25:42-27:30 Outro
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Photo facebook.com/urbanyouthcollaborative
Soundtrack by Podington Bear