Parent voice: Supporting families with special needs

Ellen McHugh, long time activist and Public Advocate Williams’s appointee to the NYC Citywide Council on Special Education, delves into the challenges facing parents of students with special education needs. Ethical relationships among educators, parents, and the students themselves are crucial to these students’ success. Too often educators minimize the importance of parental input even though the law requires that they be equal partners in their children’s educational planning. Remote and hybrid learning has added new obstacles to and opportunities for partnerships between parents and educators.


00:00-00:43 Intros
00:43-02:25 Parent to Parent
02:25-04:08 Deficit model
04:08-06:18 Impact of deficit model on teaching
06:18-09:18 Looking at a child as a whole person
09:18-15:35 Respect for parents
15:35-19:43 Effects of the shift to remote learning
19:43-20:48 Program Adaptation Document (PAD)
20:48-23:26 Integrated Co-Teaching class
23:26-32:30 PAD, continued
32:30-33:55 Issues of support during pandemic
33:55-43:39 Relationships between NYC’s District 75 schools and district schools
43:39-49:26 Ethical relationships
49:26-51:00 Outro


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Photo Parent To Parent NYS

Soundtrack by Podington Bear