Dr. Christiana Best, who spent thirty years in the New York City child welfare system before becoming a full-time academic, discusses her personal experience of being left behind in Granada while her mother settled in the US. Dr. Best, now an assistant professor of social work at St. Joseph’s, delves into the difficulties of providing holistic support to immigrant children and families, who are (justifiably) hesitant to trust government agencies.
00:00-00:51 Intros
00:51-02:23 Impact on students of being undocumented
02:23-07:00 How separation affects children and parents
07:00-08:42 Supports for students suffering separation effects and aftereffects
08:42-11:38 Support for parents?
11:38-14:37 Collaboration among schools, agencies, CBOs: obstacles and potentialities
14:37-18:59 Issues of mandated reporting; building trust
18:59-20:34 Cultural competence vs. cultural humility
20:34-22:58 School social workers and school counselors
22:58-23:37 School social workers and immigrant families trust
23:37-25:12 Need for more school social workers
25:12-29:58 Microaggressions: what they are; examples; applying a Deweyan framework for anti-microaggression education
29:58-31:54 What the incoming Biden Administration can do to support vulnerable children
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