Empowering school counselors to support struggling students

Dr. Mandy Savitz-Romer of Harvard Graduate School of Education sees counselors as schools’  academic conscience, the hub for providing holistic support to students. To be effective, they need a seat at the leadership table. Respondents in Savitz-Romer’s 1000-counselor survey described obstacles and successes in serving students during the pandemic.


00:00-00:46 Intros
00:46-03:30 School counselors’ roles and how they’ve changed over time
03:30-05:11 A better model for counseling
05:11-08:18 Contracts, guidelines, protections for counselors; caseloads
08:18-10:54 Equity issues and time for neediest students
10:54-13:48 Counselors as “academic conscience of the school”
13:48-17:29 Counselors’ roles, stress, and evaluation
17:29-19:20 Support resources for counselors
19:20-23:28 Helping students with the “why” of college and career
23:28-27:15 1000-counselor pandemic survey results
27:15-30:30 Helping students with college and careers in context of family expectations and needs, especially during pandemic
30:30-34:59 Lessons learned from experience during pandemic
34:59-36:30 Outro


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Soundtrack by Podington Bear