We speak with Dr. Daman Harris and Dr. Inger Swimpson of Building Our Network of Diversity, the BOND Project, in Montgomery County MD, which provides spaces for Black and Latino men to support one another in their teaching and their lives. Although having Black teachers benefits Black and white children alike, U.S. schools have few Black teachers, and even fewer Black men. BOND works to make schools better places for boys of color, making it more likely that they’ll go into teaching, and better for Black men, so they’ll be more likely to stay in teaching. Networks and partnerships, especially with HBCUs, are crucial.
00:00-00:51 Intros
00:51-06:32 The BOND Project
06:32-08:19 BOND’s relationship with schools
08:19-13:09 How to make schools better for Black boys/young men
13:09-13:49 Untapped potential of men of colors as teachers
13:49-18:36 Recruiting teachers of color
18:36-24:01 Similarities/differences in challenges Black men and women face as teachers
24:01-26:19 Similarities/differences in Black and Latino men’s experiences as teachers
26:19-31:10 Distinction between equity and anti-racism
31:10-34:30 How BOND generates conversations about race in Montgomery County
34:30-36:36 Liberatory consciousness
36:36-42:35 Recognizing students’ strengths and teachers; successes even when test scores are low
42:35-46:04 Teachers with a deficit mindset can change
46:04-49:13 Impact on girls of Black men as teachers
49:13-51:45 Outro
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