We speak with Dr. Cecilia Espinosa and Dr. Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, co-authors of “Rooted in Strength: Using Translanguaging to Grow Multilingual Readers and Writers.” Traditionally, teachers have brought language to students rather than accepting and acknowledging children’s entire linguistic repertoires. Communities and families often have fluid language practices; when teachers impose strict separation of languages, they limit students’ creative and critical thought processes.
00:00-00:45 Intros
00:45-02:00 Translanguaging
02:00-06:58 Why this book now
06:48-10:54 Translanguaging as transformative
10:54-17:48 An equity issue
17:48-23:31 Integrating phonemic awareness and phonics into reading
23:31-28:49 Native “non-standard” English speakers
28:49-33:10 Working with a child who is the only speaker of a language in the class
33:10-40:57 Data-driven and student-driven assessment
40:57- Outro
Click here to see the full transcription of this episode.
- Book “Rooted in Strength: Using Translanguaging to Grow Multilingual Readers and Writers” by Dr. Cecilia Espinosa and Dr. Laura Ascenzi-Moreno
- Dr. Espinosa: ceciliamespinosa.wordpress.
com @MCEspinosaCh - Dr. Ascenzi-Moreno: www.lascenzimoreno.com @AscenziMoreno
Soundtrack by Poddington Bear