We speak with Dr. Linda Nathan of the Center for Artistry and Scholarship and the Perrone-Sizer Institute for Creative Leadership about her experience in creating progressive schools. Dr. Nathan says all teachers, no matter their subject areas, should have expertise in teaching reading and students with moderate disabilities. The arts are central to her educational vision. Dr. Nathan talks about how to achieve predictable and collaborative authentic assessment of student work and how to deal with standardized test requirements when necessary. She also describes why “grit” is not enough for student success when students are caught in the insidious web of a racist system.
00:00-00:37 Intros
00:37-02:35 Changes at the Center for Artistry and Scholarship and Perrone-Sizer Institute
02:35-06:54 Why the outdoors is so important in an educational vision
06:54-08:42 Joy, wellness, and rigor
08:42-13:07 Why grit is not enough
13:07-15:47 School systems pervaded by White supremacy
15:17-18:07 The Boston Arts Academy and Perrone-Sizer vision of education
18:07-21:44 Preparing teachers to work at a school like Boston Arts Academy
21:44-25:08 Measuring student success
25:08-29:12 Markers of success on graduation
29:12-31:15 How colleges need to better support students
31:15-36:39 How a principal can support and sustain faculty and the school’s vision in an unsupportive district
36:39-40:50 Dealing with high-stakes testing
40:50-44:58 Dialoguing with parents who disagree with what the school is doing
44:58-47:19 Steps to avoid teacher/administrator burnout
47:19-50:02 Outro
Click here to see the full transcription of this episode.
- Linda Nathan’s blog
- Linda Nathan’s book When Grit Isn’t Enough: A High School Principal Examines How Poverty and Inequality Thwart the College-For-All Promise
- The Perrone-Sizer Institute
- The Boston Arts Academy
- Our interview with Dr. Steven Cohen of Tuft’s Department of Education (mentioned by Linda): “Creating Antiracist Classrooms: Listening and other essential skills”
- Intrepid Academy at Hale
Soundtrack by Poddington Bear
Image twitter.com/lindanathan