Early childhood classes: Crucial (and endangered) developmental support

We talk with Lesley Koplow of the Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice at Bank Street College and Allison Demas, an instructional coordinator in the NYC Dept. of Education about the recent struggle in NYC to save social worker and IC positions and why these roles are so important for children’s emotional and academic development.


00:00-00:42 Intros

00:42-03:12 NYC DOE excesses 360 early childhood social workers and instructional coordinators (ICs) as school year starts; backtracks after intense reaction

03:12-07:35 What early childhood social workers and ICs do

07:35-09:39 An example of social worker and IC collaboration

09:39-12:38 Why these collaborative roles are essential during and after traumatic events such as the pandemic and immigration journeys

12:38-15:08 Why early childhood specialties around the country are always vulnerable to cuts and reassignments

15:08-16:50 Pressures on early childhood teachers from systemic pressures on children

16:50-17:43 Are we being “good ancestors” to our children?

17:43- Outro


Click here to see the full transcription of this episode. 


Soundtrack by Poddington Bear