Keith Hefner and Betsy Cohen of Youth Communication discuss their 40-year-old organization. Professional editors help students develop personal stories, which are shared with their peers. Writers experience self-reflection, readers develop empathy and gain strength from knowing others’ experiences, and teachers acquire better understanding of their students. Youth Communication also offers curricula and materials for teachers to implement.
Youth Communication provides free resources based on true stories by NYC teens to support remote learning. They Include:
Story-based lessons for English Language Arts instruction (subscribe here)
Virtual Workshops to support social and emotional learning strategies (register here)
Inside Voices: stories from NYC youth about their experiences in the pandemic (subscribe here)
Information about their professional development and curriculum offerings can be found in this Partnership Brochure.
00:42-01:40Why Youth Communication exists and how it works
01:42-03:52The stories’ effects on peers
03:53-11:27The writing and editing process
11:28-13:39How editors work students who want to write something that is bigoted
13:40-18:00Looking through an ethical lens
18:01-20:31How teachers use YC programs and materials
20:32-24:28How teachers gain insight into the lived experiences of their students
24:29-30:06Challenges teachers face in implementing the program
30:07-32:04Role of principals/administrators
32:05-39:07How the program helps teens with grief and isolation during pandemic
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