Guest interviewer Lev Moscow joins Jon in conversation with Santiago Taveras, principal of Charter High School for Computer Engineering and Innovation and former deputy chancellor of the NYC Department of Education. Santi talks about false assumptions that school systems make about teachers, students, and parents. He discusses why so much professional development wastes teachers’ time, why college for all is a misguided target, and why so much DOE money gets misspent.
00:00-01:03 Intros
01:03-02:08 DOE system changes over time
02:08-03:24 Who has benefited from changes?
03:24-05:31 System’s assumptions about teachers
05:31-07:37 Assumptions about students
07:37-10:27 Purpose of school systems—what schools can/could be like
10:27-14:51 College prep and CTE
14:51-16:07 Post-secondary education doesn’t have to be college
16:07-18:47 Assumptions about parents
18:47-24:13 Why does the system fail despite dedicated adults?
24:13-27:49 Why change is so difficult—examples from professional development, scheduling
27:49-30:15 Impact of business interests
30:15-32:50 Budgeting rigidities (and patronage)
32:50-43:37 Overrated, underrated? Charters, tech in classroom, sports & arts, small schools?
Click here to see the full transcription of this episode.
Soundtrack by Poddington Bear