We welcome back Zoe Weil, president and co-founder of the Institute for Humane Education, to speak about her recent Psychology Today column on the purpose of education. Although the official goal of many school systems is to prepare students for global competition, compassion, cooperation, and creativity are the qualities we should be emphasizing. A generation of solutionaries has a much better chance of creating a sustainable planet where humans and animals other than humans can thrive.
00:44-02:42Purpose of education
02:42-07:41What is a “solutionary?”
07:41-13:04Teaching and learning in a solutionary classroom
13:04-19:10Skills incorporated in a solutionary framework
19:10-24:33How to deal with serious conflicts
24:33-26:59Encouraging students to be solutionary when their schools aren’t
26:59-29:58Solutionary education has not hit walls in polarized educational environment
29:58-31:58Solutionary education and standardized tests, other assessments
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